
Offering a one of a kind attendance system for employees in the retail sector allowing companies to monitor when and where did each of the allocated personnel have entered and exited the destination of work premises .In Addition counting in and out how many customers have passed through the entry door. Having such perimeters in hand allows owners of businesses to count the rate of efficiency and sales accrued for a specific month compared to the targets achieved and speculated .

10 +

Years of Experience

1000 +

Happy Clients

562 +

New Customers

Attendance System
Attendance System
Warehouse personal tracking
Warehouse Personal Tracking
Exceed Customer Expectations

Making sure drivers and their cargo arrive on time requires diligent, real-time schedule coordination. Macchina can help.

Increase Productivity & reduce the cost

Getting drivers to their destinations via efficient routes helps fleets complete more trips and increase vehicle utilization. Macchina can help.


Completing trips as efficiently as possible ranks high on your priority list, but not as high as driver safety and good driving habits. Macchina can help.